Thursday, February 5, 2015

Beginning Ground School: Will2Fly BLOG is simply a recap of my experiences in attempting to complete training for a Private Pilot's License (PPL.)

Originally written January 27, 2015

Will2Fly BLOG is simply a recap of my experiences in attempting to complete training for a Private Pilot's License (PPL) while juggling the responsibilities of being a wife and a mother.  I wanted to document the accomplishment of such a grand endeavor and to include the ugly struggles seemingly required to achieve such a lofty ambition.  I realize I make this sound so hard-it is obviously easy to many. I cannot begin to explain where this experience will take me...

Primarily, I am a wife and mother.  I used to be small business owner and a high school English teacher.  I have given up the financial independence and pressures of the work place and devoted most of my time to my husband and my children.  They mean the world to me and to my husband. Who, by the way, has proved super-supportive of my ambitions!  I hope that one day my children will look back at my words and my ideas and strive to do and to be more.  I want them to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, on their own terms.

So, the first night of Flight Academy/Ground School is over.  I felt like I was drowning in information about reciprocating engines and carburetors-sounds greasy doesn't it?

*Note:  These are my own thoughts and opinions.  Respectfully, I ask that you e-mail or contact me for permission to use any of my e-printed/online material.